Monday, March 2, 2009

The long road home...

This will be short and sweet, but wanted to say hello once more and that I survived Tasmania! It was the most incredible trip -- definitely changed not only my outlook on all things environmental, but impacted our group dynamic 10x for the better. I love these people and have even better things to say about our hilarious 78-year old guide Geoff Mosley. We were all terribly sad to see him depart at the Pier this morning as we boarded our taxis for the train station. All in all, a wonderful adventure chock full of fantastic hiking, a visit to an old growth protest site (I met tree-sitters in the Styx Forest!), and sightings of wombats, an echidna, and wallabies by the dozens. No dingos yet, but I have faith. Will write a longer post about Tasmania when we return to Byron Bay tomorrow afternoon. Right now, lazing the day away in Melbourne as we await our overnight train ride to Sydney and then to Casino... let's just say I'm glad I've still got some sleeping pills in my backpack. Other than that, happy and healthy and safe, can't wait to share my Tasmanian tales.

Thinking of all of you, love love love.


  1. Just imagine how it must have felt for Geoff Mosley, at 78 wondering about his remaining days, to have 17 young charges to pass wisdom to. Quite special for him, I guarantee. I'm glad you're meeting and meshing with people like this. Maybe, as humans, we won't have to learn everything over again this generation. I hope so. Old Dad

  2. Bowman!!
    I am so THRILLED to read this and be thinking about YOU in Australia! So happy you were able to make this happen!! HAVE to have coffee w/ your mom soon so I can get the details :-)
    Just totally love reading your blog. To imagine you in Tasmania, in hostels, w/ your group o 17, train, bus, hiking, walking - - - vistas, locals - bitchin to see that people live a little differently than we do, and its all totally normal to them, huh? Important perspective :-) Thrilled you're there, and looking fwd to all you post, sweetie! :-)
    xoxoxox Margie
